Department of Soil Science and

Agricultural Chemistry

            The Department of Soil Science and Agricultural Chemistry at College of Agriculture, Dharwad is one of the oldest major departments to start along with the establishment of the College itself in 1947, the year of Independent India. The department was headed by eminent personalities and teachers like Dr. A.S. Hadimani, Dr. P. A. Sarangamath, Dr. T. Sheshgirirao, Dr. T. Satyanarayana, Dr. G.S. Dasog, Dr. P. L. Patil, Dr. N.S. Hebsur who occupied the position of Dean (Agri / Home science / PGS). The eminent scientist Dr. P. L. Patil who occupied the position of Vice Chancellor of UAS Dharwad in 2022. Presently the Department is headed by Dr. V.B.Kuligod.

                 The department has well equipped UG, PG and Research laboratories. Faculties in the department are handling research projects on natural resource management, remote sensing and GIS, soil fertility, management of problematic soils. Advanced and sophisticated equipments like ICP-OES, CHNS analyzer, AAS, Pressure plate and membrane apparatus, microwave digesters are available in the laboratories. The department also counsel the visiting farmers in areas of crop nutrition, fertilizer recommendation, soil fertility management, liming of acid soils, management of problematic soils and waters.

                   UG, PG and Doctoral students are being trained for competitive exams like JRF, SRF, NET and ARS conducted by ICAR, New Delhi and trainings on skill developments in soil testing and analysis methodologies were also organized to rural youths, farmers and staff from the State Department of Agriculture as and when required.

PG Programmes started in the Department

1M.Sc. in Soil Science1972-73
2Ph.D. Soil Science1975-76

PG Students admitted in last five years

Sl. No.Course No.2018-192019-202020-212021-222022-23
1M.Sc. (Agri.)1014997


Sl NoNameDesignationSpecialization
1Dr. V.B. KuligodProfessor and HeadNatural Resource management, Remote sensing, GIS, Soil Fertility
2Dr. Manjunatha HebbaraProfessorSoil Salinity Management, Management of poor quality water, organic agriculture
3Dr.B.R. JagadeeshProfessorSoil Science and Agril. Chemistry
4Dr. S.S. GundlurProfessorSoil Physics, Soil fertility, Problematic soils and water mangement
5Dr.G.R. RajakumarAssistant ProfessorSoil fertility management

Supporting Staff:

Sl NoNameDesignation
1Shri.R.F. KalliyavarSr. Lab Assistant
2Shri. T.F. MulimaniFarm Labour
3Shri. S.C. AsundimathKshemabhivruddhi Noukar

B.Sc. Agriculture (Hons.) courses

Sl. No.Course No.Course TitleCredits
1SAC 101Fundamentals of Soil Science2+1
2SAC 202Problematic Soils and their Management1+1
3SAC 301Manures, Fertilizers and Soil Fertility Management  2+1
4SAC 311Agrochemicals (Elective)1+1

B.Sc. Agriculture Business Management (Hons.) courses

Sl. No.Course No.Course TitleCredits
1SAC 102Soil and Water Management1+1
2SAC 301Manures, Fertilizers and Soil Fertility Management  2+1

Experiential Learning Modules offered

Sl. No.Course No.Course TitleCredits
1AEL 404Soil, plant, water and manure testing0+10

M.Sc. Agriculture in Soil Science courses

Sl. No.Course No.Course TitleCredits
1SOIL 501Soil Physics2+1
2SOIL  502Soil Fertility and Fertilizer Use2+1
3SOIL  503Soil Chemistry2+1
4SOIL 504Soil Minerology, Genesis and Classification2+1
5SOIL 508Soil, Water and Air Pollution2+1
6SOIL 509Remote Sensing and GIS techniques for Soil and Crop Studies2+1
7SOIL 510Analytical Technique and Instrumental Methods in Soil and Plant Analysis0+2
8.SOIL-511Management of problematic soils and water1+1

Ph.D. in Soil Science courses

Sl. No.Course No.Course TitleCredits
1SOIL 601Recent trends in Soil Physics2+0
2SOIL 602Modern Concept in Soil Fertility       2+0
3SOIL 603Physical Chemistry of Soil       2+0
4SOIL 604Soil Genesis and Micro morphology        2+0
5SOIL 605Bio-Chemistry of Soil Organic matter        2+0
6.SOL-606Land use planning and watershed management2+0

On going Externally funded adhoc Projects:

Sl NoName of Adhoc ProjectPI/Co-PI/AssociateDurationFunding agencyProject OutlayObjectives of ProjectExpected Outcome
1REWARD- Rejuvenating Watersheds for Agricultural Resilience through Innovative Development5 yearsWorld Bank & Watershed Development Department, GoK2724.35 lakhsTo strengthen capacities National and State institutions to adopt improved watershed management for increasing farmers’ resilience and support value chains in selected watersheds.Land parcel-wise soil fertility mapsLRI based crop specific nutrient recommendationLRI based crop suitability recommenda tion LRI based soil & water conservation planGrouping of soils into LMUs for watershed management
2Watershed Development for Prevention of Drought3 Years 2021-2022 to 2023-24Watershed Development Department, GoK, BengaluruRs. 368 lakhsCharacterize and classify the soils into units (series) based on their  morphological, physical and chemical properties and map  them on a standard scale. (1:790)Developing a database of soils at Plot/parcel level.Assessing the potentials and constraints of the soil.Evaluating the soils by various interpretative groupings.Suggesting land use strategies for enhancing agricultural  production.Land resource Atlases and soil suitability for major crops  of 185 micro-watersheds will be prepared  –

Major Projects completed (Last five years):

Sl NoName of Adhoc ProjectPI/Co-PI/AssociateDurationFunding agencyProject OutlayObjectives of Project*Major Outcome
1Support for improved programme integration  in rainfed areas ( Component-I) in Gadag and Koppal districts under KWDP-II( Sujala-III) programmeDr.P.L.Patil (PI) Dr.Manjunath Hebbara, Dr.V.B. Kuligod, Dr.S.S. Gundlur, Dr. S T Hundekar2016 to 2019Karnataka watershed Development Dept.GoK, Bengaluru1200.00 Lakhs  1.Characterization of  Natural Resource base of the Micro-watersheds in Gadag ,Koppal and Vijayapur Districts 2. Hydrological assessment for basic parameter. 3. Intensive hydrological monitoring for groundwater management in selected micro watershed of each district. 4. Maintenance of Data through Portals as digital library enabling decision supporting system. 5. Facilitate community based micro watershed master planning with land use plan and groundwater management plan   
2.Reclamation of the Coastal Saline Soils of Karnataka: An Integrated Approach Towards Bio-saline AgricultureDr. V. B. Kuligod2017-18 to 2019-20Dept. of Agriculture, Govt. of KarnatakaRs. 3.5 LakhsCharacterization and mapping of salinity in coastal agricultural lands.Assessment of temporal and spatial variability of soil salinity by using geo-spatial techniques,Understanding pattern and spatial association  of  soil salinity with topography, landforms, geology and land use and land cover .Coastal saline land zonation for sustainable management  Aghanasini estuary soil salinity maps were generated and characterized

* Major outcome

a) LRI Activities accomplished

Sl. No.Activities UndertakenCumulative Achievement
1.No. of micro-watersheds- LRI completed633
2.Area covered (in Lakh ha.)3.29
3.Villages covered167
4.Profile studied (15/MWS)5080
5.Profile sample collected (25/MWS)15374
6.Profile samples analyzed7320
7.Fertility samples collected (50/MWS)34501
8.Fertility samples analyzed34501
9.Water samples collected (6/MWS)3779
10.Water samples analyzed3779
11.No. of soil maps generated (English)633
12.No. of soil maps generated (Kannada)633
13.No. of Atlases (MWS) submitted (English)633
14No. of Atlases (MWS) submitted (Kannada)633
15No. of Atlases (SWs) prepared (English)108
16No. of Atlases (SWs) prepared (Kannada)108
17No. of reports (MWS) submitted (English)633
18No. of reports (SWS) submitted (English)108
19No. of MWs LRI Cards Submitted584
20No. of Socio-economic reports submitted654
21No of hydrology atlases generated112

       b) LRI cards generated and distributed

Sl. No.  District Name  Taluk Name  No. of MWNo. of VillagesNo. of LRI Cards given to districts

Technologies Developed:(Last Five Years)

Sl. No.TechnologyName of the Scientist
1Revalidation of soil test based nutrients recommendation to major crops in agro climatic zones of Karnataka (Zone 1, 2 and 3)Dr.V.B.Kuligod
2Application of 4 kg/ac FeSO4 and ZnSO4 under dry land cultivation and 10 kg/ac FeSO4 and ZnSO4 under irrigation to all the cropsDr.V.B.Kuligod
3Fertilizer requirement for Irrigated WheatDr. S. S. Gundlur


Sl. No.NameInstituteAwardYear
1Dr.G.S. DasogIndian Society of Soil ScienceISSS Fellow2010
2Dr. P.L.PatilIndian Society of Soil ScienceISSS Fellow2019
3Dr.P.L.Patil, Dr. Majunatha Hebbara, Dr.V.B. Kuligod, Dr.S.S. Gundlur, Dr. S.T. Hundekar  UAS,DharwadIncentive Award  for the year  2019-202019-20
4Dr. Manjunatha HebbaraICAR- Indian Institute of Farming Systems Research, Modipuram, MeerutNational Team Award.2021-22
5Dr. B.R. JagadeeshaBharatiya Dalit Sahitya Academy New DelhiNational Fellow2019
6Dr. B.R. JagadeeshaICAR- IGFRI, Srinagar, J&KDistinguished Scientist 20222022
7Dr. V.B. KuligodDr. S. V. Patil Chair for Research, Training and Farmers’ welfare, UAS, DharwadBest Research Award2022-23
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